Three Ways to Up-Level Your G Factor to Increase Your Influence at Work
What in the world is G Factor? And why would you want it?
Good question. Do you remember that kid that everyone flocked to when you were growing up? What about the coworker that everyone liked? And the leader everyone loved working for?
All of these people had G Factor – the gravitational pull that makes others listen to you, like you, trust you, want to be around you, and so on. They are the people who are sought out because they stand out.
I know what creates G Factor and how you can get more of it.
After asking over 800 working professionals what draws them to others in the workplace, I discovered the eight characteristics of people with G Factor.
G Factor Characteristics
GRANT. Trying to be perfect is out, and making mistakes is in! Grant G Factor is all about granting permission to make mistakes—not only to yourself but extending the same grace to others too. The best inventions came from people with brilliant minds who were willing to take risks and make mistakes (like the people responsible for Tollhouse® Chocolate Chip Cookies and 3M Post it® Notes). Innovation doesn’t exist without creativity, and creativity can’t thrive if we are striving for perfection. It is too darn limiting and exhausting to be perfect. Besides, who wants to color inside the lines all the time? Think about stepping outside of your comfort zone and taking a risk even if it’s just a tiny baby step. You might be surprised how empowering it is.
GENERATE. This is my personal favorite – it’s the thing about you that makes you uniquely you. Think of it as your superpower. Unfortunately, too many people don’t have a crystal-clear picture of what makes them uniquely them, and if they do know it, they hide it, and when they hide it, it can’t do what Generate G Factor is meant to do. Generate G Factor is about inspiring and being infectious (in a good way). It is something to claim, proclaim, and stand in the power of. I think the late, great author, speaker, professor, known as ‘Dr. Love’, Leo Buscaglia said it best, “You are uniquely something that will never happen again.” (I get chills every time I share that quote!) If you don’t know your superpower, explore it.
GRATITUDE. Of all the G Factors, this is deemed number one by the 800+ people I asked. It’s simple; we like it when people show appreciation. But it doesn’t happen often enough. When is the last time you received a thank you from someone that meant something? You know, beyond a quipped “thank you”. What about the last time you went out of your way to get really specific about why you appreciate someone? Work in the field of positive psychology tells us that writing and personally delivering a letter of gratitude increases happiness for both people in a huge way. A quick and easy way to increase your Gratitude G Factor is to sit down and start writing all kinds of gratitude messages.
To get more G Factor right now, try these:
- Do something you’ve been afraid to do.
- Ask someone who respects you why they respect you.
- Write and personally deliver a note of gratitude.
There is so much more to G Factor. In fact there are five more factors. If you want to learn more, join us for the Podcast Author Interview on March 17! More information and registration here.
You can also learn more here:
- Take the free G Factor assessment
- Buy my book G Factor: 8 Secrets to Increasing Your Gravitational Pull at Work
Guest Blog by Jeannette Grace
Founder of Expressive Communication, Consulting & Training
- Posted by Regina
- On March 1, 2022