Everything I Need to Know About Success I Learned Through Networking
I attended numerous networking events, industry association programs, and one-on-one meetings for breakfast, lunch, coffee, you name it! Whenever I network or attend events, I always tell people that it was worth my time and money if I gained just one creative idea or contact from the experience. Here is a roundup of some of the nuggets that I have picked up over the course of my career.
1. Be Bold! Motivational speaker Ann Ulrich once said, “We create our own possibilities for success by boldly creating opportunity from possibility.” According to Ann, combine possibility with perseverance and professionalism and you have your own personalized recipe for success. How do you create your own possibilities? By being bold of course.
2. Think Big. The late Sandra Wakefield, an advocate of brilliant living (her TV program bore that name), was also an advocate of brilliant networking. She was masterful at bringing together groups of like-minded women who could help each other achieve their business goals and help make their personal dreams come true. Not only did she inspire these women to think big, but she also inspired them to think about taking their businesses to the million-dollar level or more! Now that’s thinking big.
3. Tell Your Stories. Tom Bengtson, owner, publisher and editor of Northwestern Financial Review, has been in the industry long enough to know what connects a writer to the reader or a speaker to the audience: personal stories. He encouraged me to share my own personal stories in my writing and my speaking engagements. According to Tom, “We learn something about the person who shares their stories, and there is value in that. But the real reason to share your stories is to learn something about yourself.” The message? Sometimes the best lessons in life we teach ourselves.
4. Develop a “kitchen cabinet.” At one point in her career, Erin Dady worked closely with aspiring women political candidates. Her advice highlighted the importance of having a trusted group of advisors on your team that she called, “your kitchen cabinet.” These were the trusted men and women that you surround yourself with around your kitchen table. This powerful network is a key success factor when running for office, climbing the corporate ladder (think mentors) or growing a successful small business (think advisory board). No matter what you call them, no woman should be without the equivalent of a powerful “kitchen cabinet.”
5. Filter Advice. Judge Susan Burke spoke about her experience running for public office. In the early stages, every person she encountered (including her boss, husband and parents) gave her a list of reasons why she shouldn’t run for office. That being the case, what finally compelled her to run for office? “I learned to beware advice from people who have a vested interest in the outcome,” stated Judge Burke. The lesson? Seek advice but ultimately you need to make the final decision.
Over the course of my career, I have been lucky to garner some great advice through networking. To recap: don’t be afraid to be bold, think big, or tell your stories. But during the process, remember to surround yourself with trusted advisors and be sure to filter any advice you receive. Now that’s some great advice. Don’t you agree?
“Dream Big. Take Action. Make It Happen.”
Owner, Red Ladder, Inc.
Founder, Women at the Top® (WATT®) Network
- Posted by Regina
- On November 1, 2024