How to Stay Positive in Uncertain Times
Is it me or is there still a lot of uncertainty in the marketplace? Mortgage rates, grocery prices and inflation remain high. However, depending on which economist you follow the economy is either going to be insipid or robust. And, on the work front, there are continued reports of employee layoffs, shrinking budgets, project elimination and hiring freezes.
If that doesn’t cause you to either run screaming or to want to bury your head in the ground, then read no further. However, if you are like most people, these things are bound to have an impact on your attitude and your work environment.
Keep in mind that you can create your own reality. Just because many of the business and news pundits keep forecasting more doom and gloom, doesn’t mean you have to buy into it.
So how do you stay positive when everything around you conspires to pull you down? Consider the following.
- Surround yourself with positive people. Remember the saying, birds of a feather flock together? This is a great time to put that adage to work for you. Try to stay away from work colleagues that are consistently negative. Instead, seek out those individuals that are working to make a positive contribution. Remember, those you surround yourself with will either pull you up or pull you down. Choose carefully.
- Look for the silver lining. While everyone else is busy singing the “woe is me” blues, focus on what you can do that will position you for success when the market starts to turn. Sales down? Then spend time developing deeper relationships with existing clients. Project canceled? Then take time to clean up and finish those smaller projects that no one wants to do. You get the drill.
- Adopt an attitude of gratitude. This does not mean being a Pollyanna. It does mean finding something to be grateful for every day. Try this. Start or end your day by finding three things that you feel grateful for. It can be as simple as a hot shower, a nutritious dinner and a soft bed. In time, you will be amazed at how many things you really do have to be grateful for and the impact this simple practice can have on your overall attitude.
No one can predict what will happen with the economy or the impact it will have on your work environment. Likewise, no one can choose your reaction and whether you will adopt a positive or negative attitude. Only you can choose to adopt a positive attitude no matter what the situation.
Remember, attitudes are contagious. Is yours worth catching?
Realtor®. Speaker. Coach. Consultant.
“Dream Big. Take Action. Make It Happen.”
Owner, Red Ladder, Inc.
Founder, Women at the Top® (WATT®) Network
- Posted by Regina
- On February 3, 2025